App - System

Sunday 1 September 2019, 19:10  #1
ELF x86 - Use After Free - basic
  • 9 posts


I’m stuck trying to get around ASLR. I can manipulate the flow of execution but in order to call the desired function (bringMeTheFlag), I need to cause a memory leak (to see the current address or the address of the libc). I can’t do it. Can someone tell me the direction in which I need to dig?

Sunday 1 September 2019, 19:17  #2
ELF x86 - Use After Free - basic
  • 2 posts

no you don’t need a memleak

Sunday 1 September 2019, 20:39  #3
ELF x86 - Use After Free - basic
  • 42 posts

ASLR is irrelevant in this challenge. There is no need to battle with ASLR. Think about what parts of the program memory does ASLR affect and what is that you are trying to do. Good luck!