
Saturday 1 June 2019, 18:44  #1
Monoalphabetic substitution - Caesar does not work
  • 10 posts

Hi, i am 100% sure i have the correct solution of the Monoalphabetic substitution - Caesar
its a full french rhyming poem

but when i enter my concatenated letters it does not work...

any help ? what can go wrong ?

Friday 7 June 2019, 14:33  #2
Monoalphabetic substitution - Caesar does not work
  • 10 posts

found it - last char could go wrong ....

Sunday 15 September 2019, 07:54  #3
Monoalphabetic substitution - Caesar does not work
  • 1 posts

I ran through 26 iterations and none of them were accepted. Any hint?

Thursday 17 October 2019, 00:40  #4
Monoalphabetic substitution - Caesar does not work
  • 2 posts

@macz I have the same problem ! what’s wrong with the last char ?
@kamii there is not only 26 iterations, you should use linear caesar, like discribed in the pdf. In my case i found the meaning full words separated in defferent results!

Tuesday 24 November 2020, 22:57  #5
Monoalphabetic substitution - Caesar does not work
  • 1 posts

Salut, je suis sûr à 100% d’avoir la bonne solution de la substitution monoalphabétique - César
c’est un poème de rimes français complet

mais quand j’entre mes lettres concaténées, cela ne fonctionne pas ...

de l’aide ? qu’est-ce qui peut mal tourner?