
Tuesday 8 January 2019, 17:54  #1
Forensic (Homemade Keylogger)
  • 4 posts

I have the command and the file but then I am not able to validate the flag. I am pretty sure what i have discovered is correct. Can someone just verify with me and point where am i wrong?

Tuesday 8 January 2019, 20:29  #2
Forensic (Homemade Keylogger)
  • 42 posts

Have you played with time a bit? If you have all needed for validation you must understand the hint.

Monday 14 January 2019, 17:14  #3
Forensic (Homemade Keylogger)
  • 4 posts

Yes i saw that thing and did +1 to 5 sec to the last time

Sunday 8 September 2019, 00:15  #4
Forensic (Homemade Keylogger)
  • 2 posts

Did you solve the timing problem?

Tuesday 17 March 2020, 13:14  #5
Forensic (Homemade Keylogger)
  • 6 posts

Hi, can someone help me? I’ve decoded the text, have extracted the script, have understood the concatenation mechanisms for the flag, involving several items, one of which based on time. I assessed the time to consider is the one when the ENTER key is pressed at the end of the command that generates the flag. However, my flag is not accepted. Can someone help? Thx in advance.