App - System

Samstag 25. April 2020, 04:20  #1
App - System - ch13 dont get the deadbeef
  • 3 Beiträge

Hey my frends,

i try the "app-systeme-ch13"

i can overwrite the buffer with "A" (\x41) or some other letters but i dont get it how do i get the "0xdeadbeef" wich " PC language" should i translate it that it works or how should i now go on Lost haha :(

thank you very much!!

Sonntag 26. April 2020, 18:03  #2
App - System - ch13 dont get the deadbeef
  • 3 Beiträge

i solved the problem...
i gave a little tipp for GDB:
when you type "run " and hit enter you cant put Hexadezimal characters more in the commandline.
so you have to type:
(GDB) run < <(python -c ’print "\x90\x90\x90\x90"+"\x41\x41\x41"’)
importent are the two "< <" after run and befor the python scripts starts

what you type in the python script is laying at you but remember the Little andian Processor structur and the FILO Stack structure