App - System

Samstag 8. Dezember 2018, 01:08  #1
ELF32 - Stack buffer overflow basic 1 - Shell won’t open
  • 2 Beiträge


i just got through this challenge, by which i mean, i was able to cause buffer to have the value 0xdeadbeef.

But, the shell won’t open. And, since i assume that the dash shell has the privileges to open the passwd file, this means that i cannot complete the challenge.

Am i missing something here?
Is anybody experiencing the same issue?

Does anybody have a direction for me to look into?

Best wishes

Sonntag 9. Dezember 2018, 01:44  #2
ELF32 - Stack buffer overflow basic 1 - Shell won’t open
  • 2 Beiträge

I found the mistake!
Thanks anyway

Sonntag 26. April 2020, 17:54  #3
ELF32 - Stack buffer overflow basic 1 - Shell won’t open
  • 3 Beiträge

can please tell me whats the awnser is ...couse i have the same problem now ?

thank you very much