
Friday 17 August 2018, 13:11  #1
Network LDAP Tip
  • 1 posts

As someone with little to no experience in LDAP this one did take me a lonnnng time and a lot of faffing about.
A couple of handy hints i’d like to give from my work.

1. Don’t be like me and spend the first few hours scratching your head because of a ’typo’ in the port number!
2. The branch name is actually REALLY easy to find and the clues are in the question.
3. Learn about object classes so you know how to write the code for the item you’re trying to get to.
4. Once you’ve connected to the right place, make sure your search is in the right direction (IN/OUT - BASE/SUB)

To anyone else struggling i hope these comments help without giving the game away. I was so happy to uncover this one with my lack of knowledge i hope you all get the same thrill.