App - System

Sunday 13 May 2018, 03:37  #1
ELF x86 - Stack buffer overflow basic 1
  • 7 posts

Is anyone having issues with the shell in this challenge? I crafted the overflow, but system("/bin/dash") returns immediately with EAX=0. Or is this part of the challenge and I am missing something? I’ve tried adding extra data to the input to be read by the shell, but that does not work. The shell should wait for input anyway. Also tried appending a newline due to line buffering, but this also did not help.

Sunday 13 May 2018, 04:05  #2
ELF x86 - Stack buffer overflow basic 1
  • 7 posts

Nevermind. Hint: use strace to see what is really happening.

Thursday 14 June 2018, 13:11  #3
ELF x86 - Stack buffer overflow basic 1
  • 1 posts

Even though your strace approach is valid, I found this an interesting question and answer if you’d like to use another approach or you’re confused as to why your strace solution actully works.