App - Script

Monday 23 April 2018, 23:01  #1
Bash - System 1
  • 1 posts

Hello Everyone

I’m stuck with my first challenge, the bash - system 1.
I created a folder in /tmp.
I compiled the program.
I copied the /bin/cat folder into mine.
I renamed the cat folder to ls.
I gave the cat folder (called ls) and my ch11.exe a chmod 4777.
And I changed the PATH (PATH=".:$PATH"; export PATH).

But when I run ./ch11.exe it returns: ls: /challenge/app-script/ch11/.passwd: Permission denied

Any hints appreciated! :)

PS: Yes, I read the related ressources.

Monday 30 April 2018, 03:30  #2
Bash - System 1
jonathan F
  • 10 posts

You are pretty must be a small mistake on your part, because you seem to have done almost all the good steps..

Friday 3 August 2018, 09:30  #3
Bash - System 1
  • 2 posts

Create a temporary permission

Sunday 17 February 2019, 14:00  #4
Bash - System 1
  • 3 posts

The problem here is you have set the SUID bit of renamed ls folder using the current user.
You need to get the rights of the other user somehow.