
Wednesday 11 April 2018, 06:56  #1
Cryptanalysis Monoalphabetic substitution - Caesar
  • 1 posts

Monoalphabetic substitution - Caesar

this is my task

tm bcsv qolfp
f’dmvd xuhm exl tgak
hlrkiv sydg hxm
qiswzzwf qrf oqdueqe
dpae resd wndo
liva bu vgtokx sjzk
hmb rqch fqwbg
fmmft seront sntsdr pmsecq

THEN I had tried all poss;ibe variants , but unsuccessfully

my variants looks like
gz opfi dbysc
s’qziq khuz rky gtnx
uyexvi flqt ukz
dvfjmmjs des bdqhrdr
qcnr erfq jaqb
yvin oh itgbxk fwmx
uzo edpu sdjot
szzsg frebag fagfqe czfrpd


wp efvy trois
i’gpyg axkp hao wjdn
kounly vbgj kap
tlvzcczi tui rtgxhth
gsdh uhvg zqgr
olyd ex yjwrna vmcn
kpe utfk itzej
ippiw vhurqw vqwvgu spvhft


then otherss, give a clue me pleaaae

Saturday 16 June 2018, 06:52  #2
Cryptanalysis Monoalphabetic substitution - Caesar
  • 1 posts

Hello, keep going with your method, you are one the right track. By the way, the plain-text is in french

Tuesday 17 July 2018, 11:25  #3
Cryptanalysis Monoalphabetic substitution - Caesar
  • 1 posts

I get some words french like [Ech0 : spoil]
I am in the right way ?

Tuesday 1 January 2019, 16:36  #4
Cryptanalysis Monoalphabetic substitution - Caesar
  • 1 posts

what is the hint for the key?

Monday 20 May 2019, 16:21  #5
Cryptanalysis Monoalphabetic substitution - Caesar
  • 1 posts

Did you figure out that????? :’-(

Tuesday 28 May 2019, 11:11  #6
Cryptanalysis Monoalphabetic substitution - Caesar
  • 3 posts

If you dont speak french, it’s more difficult. By the way one of these words = [Ech0 : spoil]. that show me that we are playing a french game. In my opinion it’s not a difficult crypto, but as my teacher said....think out of the box.

Tuesday 13 August 2019, 19:10  #7
Cryptanalysis Monoalphabetic substitution - Caesar
  • 4 posts

Thanks @Mathman, but having a single known word makes this too simple - perhaps only necessary to have 2 or 3 characters sequence of the decoded message in order to complete by any non-french language.

Thursday 13 May 2021, 21:48  #8
Cryptanalysis Monoalphabetic substitution - Caesar
  • 1 posts

I have solved the cipher and got the clear text.
And followed the instructions in the "hint".
But it gives me that it is wrong, am I missing something?