
Saturday 31 March 2018, 01:04  #1
Network - Global System Traffic for Mobile communication
  • 1 posts

I’m stuck on this one.

**Possible minor spoilers depending on how far you are in the challenge**

Is there a Wireshark plugin that can read Nokia/PhoNet? Right now I’m not getting a ton of useful information from the packet capture

I found something that looks like a number in a few of them — that’s not the password. (It might be the destination for the messages? the part of the URI that specifies who the SMS is going to? but I’m not sure)

I also found one packet that’s way longer than the others. I took the ’data’ component of that packet and tried to manually translate it using the 7-bit scheme used for GSM, but what I ended up with was gibberish. (I submitted it on the off chance it was SUPPOSED to be gibberish, like a password or something — no luck.) Is there another step I’m missing? Is there some trick to converting it into the 7-bit alphabet properly?