App - System

jeudi 21 décembre 2017, 17:53  #1
ELF x86 - Stack buffer overflow basic 5 - Illegal instruction
  • 12 posts

hi guys,
I have completed my payload to exploit chall Stack buffer overflow basic 5. I debug binary by gdb-peda, it spawn shell successfull, while running " Illegal instruction" occurs.

Have someone like me ?
Please give me some advices. Thanks !

mercredi 11 juillet 2018, 12:14  #2
ELF x86 - Stack buffer overflow basic 5 - Illegal instruction
  • 2 posts

If you spawn the shell from gdb, you are running as regular user
gdb can’t run programs as a user u are not
so you use gdb to debug
but you should run the actual exploit from outside of it
Also idk if you give a correct argument to the program and maybe there is an issue with your exploit
idk didn’t read it yet

jeudi 13 mai 2021, 12:12  #3
ELF x86 - Stack buffer overflow basic 5 - Illegal instruction
  • 1 posts

Hi all,
I succeeded on getting a shell outside GDB (override the pointer and padding)
i tried few shellcodes online from exploit-db (some of them has the + setuid flag)
but i still cant read the file due to low privileges
i always get the permission denied message error.

am i missing something ?