Web - Client

Thursday 27 July 2017, 06:12  #1
Web - Client Javascript Obfuscation 2
  • 2 posts

Stuck on the ’third floor’ now... any pointers?

Thursday 7 September 2017, 10:29  #2
Web - Client Javascript Obfuscation 2
  • 1 posts

I’m on same spot. I think we need to substitute the unescape chqracers in the bigger sting BUT I don’t know what encoding it is Base64 ??

Monday 23 October 2017, 00:57  #3
Web - Client Javascript Obfuscation 2

Remember the unescape function removes escape characters. If it removes them from another function you escape to chars. What is inside that unescape? What do all unescape functions need 2 of ? and finally what 4 characters make up those necessary signs, and go at the ends.

Tuesday 23 January 2018, 23:12  #4
Web - Client Javascript Obfuscation 2
  • 1 posts

I’m still stuck. Any good resources I should look at that I could learn what I need in order to solve?

PS: I know 0 js

EDIT: I got it, but really I was just messing around and happen to get the right answer