App - System

Tuesday 9 May 2017, 18:12  #1
ELF x64 - Sigreturn Oriented Programming
  • 4 posts

I have no idea to set rax to 15, can anyone give me some clues?

Sunday 8 October 2017, 21:57  #2
ELF x64 - Sigreturn Oriented Programming
  • 2 posts

I havent solved it yet but I know that there is a syscall that 0 the eax then you can rop

Tuesday 13 October 2020, 07:56  #3
ELF x64 - Sigreturn Oriented Programming
  • 4 posts

Getting 15 into rax is the gist of this challenge. There are multiple ways. You could try to use the return value of a syscall, look for a fitting rop gadget or a combination of both.

As it is a local exploitation it may also be helpful to modify the way the binary is started...