App - Script

Saturday 19 September 2015, 00:55  #1
App - Script (ELF32 - System 1)
  • 2 posts

Hello this is my first time on this website and I’ve never given any ctf contests either, so please help me understand the structure of the problems available on this website. Like in the very first problem of the App-Script section - ELF32 - System 1 I can’t understand what am I supposed to perform or even how to start the challenge.
In the password field I just pasted my password and submitted it and it shows challenge completed somehow and I am awarded 5 points but how and why?
Also I tried to ssh on the given server but I get Network Unreachable error. Just to make it clear I am behind a proxy, so do I need to perform any specific settings in order to connect.
Pls help me.

Friday 23 October 2015, 20:08  #2
App - Script (ELF32 - System 1)
  • 1 posts

I can connect to the server, but new to understand what to do where to look. any guide before starting.

Best Regards.

Friday 6 November 2015, 20:29  #3
App - Script (ELF32 - System 1)
  • 1 posts

Yeah I was able to ssh in myself but can’t access the source code file it is read only...I think the solution is that you need to change what system("...") says as it seems it is a program with elevated privileges not sure though...gonna try some stuff first

Thursday 17 December 2015, 19:47  #4
App - Script (ELF32 - System 1)
  • 4 posts

I’m new to this website too. just discovered to ssh and look into the code and endded up blank. anyone help please??

Thursday 17 December 2015, 20:02  #5
App - Script (ELF32 - System 1)
  • 21 posts

If you are on Windows, you have a ssh client named Putty. You will find documentation on the internet to configure it.
If you are on a Unix distribution, you just have to type the given command in a shell.

Good luck

Wednesday 10 February 2016, 03:12  #6
App - Script (ELF32 - System 1)
  • 4 posts

you can’t change the code of the source file, and even if you could, you’d need to recompile it, and suid won’t be set anymore.
take a tour on google at environment variables

Friday 12 February 2016, 17:28  #7
App - Script (ELF32 - System 1)
  • 1 posts


I don’t really understand what exactly we are supposed to do?


Saturday 13 February 2016, 03:05  #8
App - Script (ELF32 - System 1)
  • 17 posts


You just have to find a way to show the content of .passwd

Good luck 😉

Tuesday 1 March 2016, 05:14  #9
App - Script (ELF32 - System 1)
  • 1 posts

Hi there,
I’m stuck on this problem. Is there any way to modify the C code? I’ve read up on environmental variables.
Can anyone provide me with a link to where that specific site I need to look at is?


Sunday 3 April 2016, 19:29  #10
App - Script (ELF32 - System 1)
  • 5 posts

I need some good references in order to understand the main goals of this phase. No Linux experience and too much documentation read right now with no improvement.

Any reference, text or similar?