
Tuesday 29 October 2013, 23:47  #1
XMPP auth challenge
Bot City
  • 1 posts

This challenge has me pretty stumped. I read the RFC and understand how the authentication works but I’m still stumped on what I’m doing wrong.

The packet capture has the BASE 64 encoded value of the client - server response in the XMPP header. I’m able to use the decoder on this site to decode the "cdata" field then pass portions of the data through the hash calc but I’m not getting the right answers. I think my problem is figuring out which portion of the decoded BASE 64 is the actual password and which parts are not.

Does anyone have any insight on this?

Wednesday 19 April 2017, 17:46  #2
XMPP auth challenge
  • 1 posts

iam also as far, got the relevant strings. even dekoded (echo somestring | base64 -d) some of them, but i also struggle with this sha1 stuff. somebody who can give me hint in this?
or maybe i have to rethink the whole login process ... with all this p= s= r= v= ...

Friday 28 April 2017, 15:29  #3
XMPP auth challenge
  • 1 posts

Im Currently Stuck as Well,
the following Post made it pretty Understandable how this Works:

Trying it again on Monday, a hint would be nice