App - Script

Tuesday 18 August 2020, 13:22  #1
App - Script - Powershell - Command Injection
  • 1 posts

So all we have is hexdump of our password, am I right? If I am, so how to decrypt a hexdump as a plain text? Because we need some separations to decode it...

Please, give me a little hint, thank you

Wednesday 30 September 2020, 17:27  #2
App - Script - Powershell - Command Injection
  • 1 posts

Remmember that the name of the challenge is command injection, so try to find a way to use the shell at your will and mess around with some commands to discover the pass.

Tuesday 12 January 2021, 03:35  #3
App - Script - Powershell - Command Injection
  • 1 posts

Is the task broken or is it supposed to be?

 (PNG, 28.7 kb)