
Saturday 11 July 2020, 01:58  #1
Forensic - Homemade keylogger
  • 99 posts

Hi all,

I have seen the guys have some trouble reading the text out of this record. The key mappings could be different. Just get an equal mapping that makes sense.

I managed to decode the text manually. At the end there is a parameter that is given for the running file. I am not sure. This parameter consists of concatenations. The way to expose fully the inside, i think it is better to look into more careful.

Thx for minding...

Thursday 6 August 2020, 17:01  #2
Forensic - Homemade keylogger
  • 99 posts

Hi all,

i just helped me out of this challenge.
You must be careful about a keystroke which can be helpful..

Thx for being cool..