
mardi 24 mars 2020, 12:41  #1
Steganography - Find a hidden message in a text
  • 5 posts

I’m trying to solve a challenge in cryptography. Its goal is to inspect the text and find the hidden message.

Text : BacK bacon IS a CUt oF BAcON that iNcluDeS thE pOrK LoiN fROM the BacK of The piG. it MaY also InCludE a poRtiON of the porK bElLy In the SamE CUt. it Is mUch LEaNeR ThaN side bacoN made onLy fROM the PorK BElly. baCk bAcoN is Derived from thE sAme cUT usED fOR poRK cHops.

I think that it may be solved through steganography. I found this article really interesting : https://www.researchgate.netpublica..., the proposed solution is to change the upper case with 1 and the lower case with 0 (space and punctuations aren’t considered). From the binary obtained, you should be able to easily convert it to ASCII and then get the hidden message.

Unluckily, it didn’t work for me. Any suggestions ?

mardi 24 mars 2020, 13:44  #2
Steganography - Find a hidden message in a text
  • 283 posts

L.ook at the text you are working on.
its starts with an uppercase so according to you the first byte will have its strongest bit set to 1.
In what range this byte will be ? does that fit the ASCII characters range ?

mardi 24 mars 2020, 16:08  #3
Steganography - Find a hidden message in a text
  • 5 posts

Thank you for your answer !

Accordingly to what I found, it should be translated as follows :

B -> 1
a -> 0
c -> 0
K -> 1
b -> 0
a -> 0
c -> 0
o -> 0

the first byte should be 10010000, which ASCII translation is É.

mardi 24 mars 2020, 17:04  #4
Steganography - Find a hidden message in a text
  • 283 posts

read again my answer about the range

mardi 24 mars 2020, 19:10  #5
Steganography - Find a hidden message in a text
  • 5 posts

It belongs to Extended ASCII table. I really don’t know how to proceed

mardi 24 mars 2020, 19:43  #6
Steganography - Find a hidden message in a text
  • 283 posts

why not try just 0 for upper and 1 for lower ?
then you won’t be in the 127-255 range

mardi 24 mars 2020, 21:43  #7
Steganography - Find a hidden message in a text
  • 5 posts

I tried, but I have the same problem with the following byte that starts with n.

mardi 24 mars 2020, 21:49  #8
Steganography - Find a hidden message in a text
  • 283 posts

maybe it is coded on 7 bits
which could make sense since the length of the text is 273 which is a multiple of 7
Could you provide the link of the challenge ? or its complete description ?

mardi 24 mars 2020, 22:59  #9
Steganography - Find a hidden message in a text
  • 283 posts

Ok, I solved your challenge
it was not only about the bit, it is easy actually

Pm if you are stucked

mercredi 25 mars 2020, 00:44  #10
Steganography - Find a hidden message in a text
  • 5 posts

I’ve been stuck on this challenge for a couple of days  😕 ... maybe if you can give me a hint I may get it.

mercredi 25 mars 2020, 10:50  #11
Steganography - Find a hidden message in a text
  • 283 posts

the hint is one word in the text, the one that often appears

mercredi 25 mars 2020, 11:29  #12
Steganography - Find a hidden message in a text
  • 283 posts


héhé :)

jeudi 14 mai 2020, 13:54  #13
Steganography - Find a hidden message in a text

Which tool is recommended ?

jeudi 14 mai 2020, 18:33  #14
Steganography - Find a hidden message in a text
  • 283 posts

the homemade tool