
Thursday 2 January 2020, 23:53  #1
Steganography - Yellow dots
  • 1 posts

I was able to get the yellow dots positions and using a picture I found online I calculated the date and the serial number myself.....
I am very sure that I got the right answer But it refuses the answer although I formatted It the same way,,..
So I think either the template was wrong or I am reading the thing wrong,... Please help

edit: nevermind I solved it

Thursday 9 January 2020, 20:51  #2
Steganography - Yellow dots
  • 3 posts

I’m stuck on the problem as well.

Can you tell me if I’m on track by this small sample, not to give the solution away.
05:11 XX/XX/XX14 XXXXXX60

I used the decoding scheme by EFF which i found on a wiki page:

Tuesday 21 January 2020, 22:25  #3
Steganography - Yellow dots
  • 99 posts

hi all,

i decoded the yellow dots, it was not that much hard because it has been well documented. The mate above has a similar solution as i have gotten, but a bit different i must confess. The ticket to the challenge in order to get it validated is not been accepted. Any help appreciated.
It is that much easy, but it had driven me crazy this way to write here. thx for reading. :)

Wednesday 22 January 2020, 23:26  #4
Steganography - Yellow dots
  • 99 posts


i found it .. Be careful while decoding...

Monday 14 June 2021, 04:31  #5
Steganography - Yellow dots
  • 3 posts

Don’t let the parity row throw you off. I could recognize no meaningful pattern in that row, but was able to solve without it.