Web - Server

Saturday 21 December 2019, 15:28  #1
jwt public
  • 6 posts

Hey how do i generate the public key that it work properly in HS256?
I mean " and , chars and spaces shouldn’t be use, right?

["-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----", "MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAts6zecSs1ejNxPXTC5jG", "BgwTYUVQ/izimy8terpCOSBS/Lm0EM2SSGXyYmhFgyM0GuAbOxn5xmP+CgiYffKE", "Qg8OkfNHc314FwDRbwl7SPkY/YdHQOWNpw7Y8DLKK7IW9f/emU08o4MhOJnLnEhD", "reyGeuiJCyj0obASQMaxLr6nwwlXYYajOAxdx41COaEdH9xjipeBxwoJl4R+fHN3", "VlV4AFPBv3verwV83T4g/85M5PS3r4JZIH443jKrEYBfEKfhHTPgbytWfyQb+ix4", "AelNK8M3TWejiQAzbwpwK3RfjpmqLDbPWFlmT2U3IFMwOT5xa4sW0p3Jp2rh6TGw", "vwIDAQAB", "-----END PUBLIC KEY-----"]

Sunday 22 December 2019, 18:31  #2
jwt public
  • 1 posts

Hi sadhack3r,

I’m also on this challenge. This certificat is on JSON format.
So basically, you’re right ^^

Thursday 2 January 2020, 04:30  #3
jwt public
  • 6 posts

You’re write. This format is not correct. But is it important that it’s correct or not? No. Because you can fix the format.
Search on google and find public key correct format and convert this JSON format to it.

Saturday 4 January 2020, 22:21  #4
jwt public
  • 6 posts

Nothing works for real have tried it out in all diffrent pattern i know how to remake it to jwt encode and that way but how can I make this key format right?? just the string right here and only this one:

["-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----", "MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAs1yxGWPIVlaNwXns11Ig", "AmOE7WlSp90eKIc2sDVnNYbNSDdym73xEUkLd1LgRSNbnkqzjFdx9MntQhoNvIf7", "sTDzlU7HuDlVcDha4tgrFZFGfbESDobKz0nCz3MiaRqBOmMrbhNFma9kU6+t7Wfa", "T1k3bLwtZhpgTausC/jgDa6TwY7NFFbmyOcq36hw0WOLtjvpvjISh82NhRFD0Csw", "mL+O6yNcprScfDjTWJw3mbJT52p25rWS1D/bviYZJwfSQFzT1fWDKGfnW4iuz1YZ", "BdRAiUFF+PkuckIN1yYJgyh6XZmDTVfxvgF+aftYpq2iIuqw0XzvIEfpp9QQg3WU", "WwIDAQAB", "-----END PUBLIC KEY-----"]

I only want it to be right string for me so the encodings therefore get right output..
is it with "? or without or does it need to be ["-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- and "-----END PUBLIC KEY-----"]??