App - Script

Sunday 9 June 2019, 21:15  #1
App - Script: Restricted shell
  • 2 posts


I’m actually stuck on step 11 to 12 where i have to use rvim.
When i try to execute the command with sudo, it tells me an error message: "sudo: unable to open audit system: Permission denied"
This never happened with other steps or with other challenges, does anyone get the same error?


Sunday 9 June 2019, 21:34  #2
App - Script: Restricted shell

i also get the same error! i hope it will get fixed eventually...

Tuesday 11 June 2019, 21:24  #3
App - Script: Restricted shell
  • 1 posts


I get it as well. The exact message I get is:

sudo: unable to open audit system: Permission denied
sudo: pam_open_session: System error
sudo: policy plugin failed session initialization

if it can help to fix the issue.


Wednesday 12 June 2019, 01:00  #4
App - Script: Restricted shell
  • 328 posts


Please try another way to pass the 10th level (the one before rvim).


Friday 21 June 2019, 12:23  #5
App - Script: Restricted shell
  • 2 posts

thanks for the ech0 advice, i managed to get over the level differently.
Unfortunately I lost a lot of time searching online when it would have been enough to try the most common git commands  🙄

Saturday 27 July 2019, 20:19  #6
App - Script: Restricted shell
  • 2 posts

Argh, same error message :(
I try another escalation on git without success (can’t use PAGER).

Always blocked on rvim and sudo error message...

Saturday 27 July 2019, 23:34  #7
App - Script: Restricted shell
  • 2 posts

So proud!!! I found :)
Effectivly, just a basic command of git and rvim escalation works well :)

Sunday 2 February 2020, 12:30  #8
App - Script: Restricted shell
  • 1 posts

guys i get an error
(sudo: unable to open audit system: Permission denied
sudo: pam_open_session: System error
sudo: policy plugin failed session initialization) when passing level 11, is it a failure or should it be so?

Saturday 5 August 2023, 05:14  #9
App - Script: Restricted shell
  • 3 posts

I’ve solved it for a long day went wrong mind

The problem is you are maybe working on home directory which does not allow to write anything

Solution: Change working directory to /tmp, initiate a git project then do git privilege escalation

cd /tmp
git init
sudo git help status ----> !bin/bash

hope that helpful