Web - Server

Sunday 25 November 2018, 18:08  #1
Web - Server PHP assert
The Man
  • 1 posts

Hello, i managed to find the exploit to the WebServer challenge PHP assert but the flag i found, located in the file .passwd, wich is said in this file as the flag, does not work. Ijust cant validate it...
could smne help me please?

Sunday 25 November 2018, 18:15  #2
Web - Server PHP assert
  • 8 posts

Issue closed :p

Friday 7 December 2018, 14:01  #3
Web - Server PHP assert
  • 2 posts

I’m having the same issue. I could read the .passwd file which says "The flag is / Le flag est : ....." but I can’t validate with this flag.
Can anyone confirm it’s been fixed?

Friday 7 December 2018, 14:06  #4
Web - Server PHP assert
  • 11 posts


I just tested and it works...
Did you select all the characters of the passwd ?

Friday 7 December 2018, 14:25  #5
Web - Server PHP assert
  • 2 posts

weird, I just tried again and now it works…
Maybe I got confused the first time and pasted it in the wrong page.
Sorry for that  😕

Tuesday 24 September 2019, 18:04  #6
Web - Server PHP assert
  • 1 posts

Hi everyone, got the same weird behaviour.
I found the flag in the .passwd file but the challenge validation keep telling me "Just try again"

the content of the file is "The flag is / Le flag est : [the_flag] Remember to sanitize all user input! / Pensez à valider toutes les entrées utilisateurs ! Don’t use assert! / N’utilisez pas assert !"
any idea ?

EDIT: okay, same as everyone. I came back few days later and it worked